Fine Lines for the starting an online business in dubai

starting an online business in dubai

The independent experts that you consult tell you that a technology service provider charges between 1,500 to 2,000 euros to set up an online store based on a quality template Prestashop style, a proven solution, with a minimal, functional design for a common project and give you some training. That does not include business monitoring. And neither does maintenance. For starting an online business in dubai this is important.

It is a starting point. But is it right or wrong? I don’t know, so you ask a web software developer. When evaluating a budget, divide the total investment you have to make between 40 euros an hour somewhat expensive, and thus you will have the number of hours that you will dedicate to your project. With the budget in your hands, it gives you 45 hours to carry out my project. Although there are lower prices, you prefer to go to average table prices and calculate shipping costs in the worst-case scenario in a low volume of sales. Experts insist that you can negotiate with these providers.

starting an online business in dubai

And This, How Do I Sell It?

What market share are you going to stay? What market share do you estimate for the short, medium and long term? This is the initial question asked in two different ways that many marketing experts ask you before you even think about what your final strategy will be. To you, frankly, it seems difficult to answer for an online store like the one you propose and with the money you have to start with.

If your product is sought by 1,500 people and you keep 20% of that market, you would sell 300 pencils or 300 cases a day. But that 1,500 people look for it does not mean that you will have 300 sales. So, what is the use, really, of answering that question? The paper not only supports the figures but anything you write.

Before you start thinking about the marketing strategy, you are about to throw in the towel. You think the experiment has already worked when you’re about to throw in the towel and move on. In your case, you falter before the doubts that everyone asked you when talking about what you want to sell and what audience.

How are you going to get to them?

They are not going to be interested, everyone told you. You were about to believe it until you remembered it took me several days, after reassessing other business models and about to return to the issue of belts that the business was going to rely on a marketing strategy based on the generation of quality content: recommendation of children’s applications for those tablets and recommendation of products including inviting readers to propose bringing products, in the style: if you are interested in buying this product, write to us.

A ‘social’ project

You have to bet on a very social project linked to the child, or else it won’t work. It has to become a store that wants to share parents with children through proposals. Today we propose that you download this Android application that does this and that and in between, you put the star case, the different pen.