Successful soil analysis for Your Choice

Should we analyze or have the soil of his garden analyzed? If the gardener asks himself the question, he surely has good reasons. Is it because he noticed a particular phenomenon, or was he influenced by specialist advice? The goal is to know the nature of its soil so that it can accurately compensate for a lack or excess of elements that constitute it and thus allow the quality of vegetation.

Analyzing your soil must be done seriously by progressively progressing. It all depends first of all on the surface to be managed. Analyzing the soil can take a little time and cost. But the operation can be beneficial for those who invest in their garden and expect a lot. Visit for the best understanding of the same now.

Above all, observe

The gardener should not rush to perform a soil test. An observational approach, if it is attentive, can already provide valuable information on its soil. In terms of texture that is to say the various physical elements that compose it a clay soil will have a sticky appearance, like modeling clay if you need it by hand, a sandy soil will crumble between the fingers, a calcareous soil will have rather a whitish aspect, a soil rich in organic matter will draw on the dark one. The signs may come from the plant if it grows abnormally.

A plant with yellowing leaves may be a sign of lack of nitrogen or chlorosis, due to an excess of limestone in the soil and preventing the assimilation of a number of elements such as iron. Other signs can also inform about the quality of its soil. The presence of earthworms is a good indicator of biological balance. Finally, the presence of certain plants may already be an indication. Poppy, white clover, marigold, wild carrot indicate rather a calcareous soil whereas, on a soil rich in organic matter, one will find nettles, heather, fern, buttons of gold. Moreover if one notes the presence of maulers, it must be drained before proceeding to a laboratory analysis

Different types of soil analyzes

If the gardener is not satisfied with these simple observations, and if he does not have sufficient skills for a serious diagnosis, he will then proceed to physicochemical analysis using a laboratory. The analysis of the texture by a laboratory is only once and can be considered as an investment because it is expensive.

If the gardener has seen for himself the state of his soil, using the analysis can allow him to determine the correct amount of fix to bring rather than the do on sight. Laboratories can always match their results with advice. For example, the volume of sand in clay soil and the amount of calcium amendment in acidic soil in comparison is equal.

The analysis of organic matter is not done either every year, only every four or five years. Its interest is not only to find out if there is enough organic matter, the amateur gardener does rarely the impasse on the contribution but also to see if there were no unnecessary contributions and therefore to stop providing which will be an economy.