How to Tackle Blocked Drains Gillingham

blocked drains gillingham

It can be frustrating when a sink, tub or toilet starts to back up and water simply won’t go down. This is usually an indicator of blocked drains gillingham and you will need to take action immediately in order to get rid of the blockage and restore normal function to your drainage system. Clearing out these types of clogs can be difficult and tricky job, so it’s important to have the right knowledge and tools before attempting any kind of drain clearing.

Diagnosing the Problem

The first step is to figure out where the problem lies. If only one drain is blocked and all other drains are functioning normally, then the clog likely resides in that particular fixture. However, if multiple drains in different areas of the house are backed up or slow, the problem may be more widespread and traceable to the main sewer line.

blocked drains gillingham

Assessing the Options

When it comes to dealing with blocked drains Gillingham, there are a few options available to homeowners. These methods involve a variety of DIY techniques, tools, and chemical solutions. On the other hand, it’s also important to consider hiring a professional plumber to fix the issue as they have the know-how to do the job correctly.

Using DIY Solutions on Blocked Drains

If you choose to tackle the problem yourself, there are some DIY solutions you can try. The most common method is using chemicals such as drain cleaners, plungers, and augers. However, keep in mind that these solutions may not always work, and some can even be dangerous for your health or cause additional damage to your pipes. The safest approach would be to use natural ingredients like baking soda and vinegar to clear the blockage.

Installing Drain Guards

A great preventive measure to reduce your risk of having blocked drains Gillingham is installing drain guards. These devices trap debris and prevent it from getting stuck in the pipes. They are relatively cheap and easy to install, and can save you much time and money in the long run.

Calling in Professional Help

Depending on the severity of the blockage, you may need to call in the help of a professional plumber if none of the DIY solutions worked. A plumber has the skills and experience to assess the situation and advise you on the best way to proceed in solving the problem. He or she may use a hydro jet machine, camera inspection, or electric eel to get the job done properly.

Taking Preventive Measures

In order to keep your drains free of blockages, it’s important to practice good habits around your home. Avoid flushing anything but toilet paper down the toilet, and keep any food particles out of the kitchen sink. Additionally, make sure to clean out any filters regularly and never pour cooking oils or grease down the drain.

Dealing with blocked drains Gillingham can be a hassle, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s not an impossible task. Taking preventive measures to reduce your risk of future clogs, such as installing drain guards around your home, can save you much time and money in the long run. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to consult a professional plumber who can get the job done safely and efficiently.