What are Blocked Drains and How to Solve Them?

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Blocked drains can be a real nuisance and one of the most common plumbing issues. When you have a blocked drain, it is not just unpleasant but it can also result in long-term damage to your home or business. Identifying the cause and getting to the root of the issue is essential if you want to ensure that your drains are running smoothly once again. In this article, we discuss what blocked drains arevisit website s, and some potential solutions.

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains occur when the flow of water through a pipe is blocked by an obstruction. This obstruction can be caused by various items such as solidified grease, hair, small toys, food scraps, or other debris. As the obstruction builds up, it blocks the flow of water and causes the drain to become clogged. Clogged drains can affect sinks, tubs, showers, and toilets.

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Common Causes of Blocked Drains

The most common causes of blocked drains are poor maintenance, inadequate installation, and excessive use of chemical drain cleaners. Poor maintenance can include allowing food scraps and other debris to enter the drains and not doing regular cleansings. Without proper maintenance, your pipes can become easily clogged. Inadequate installation can occur due to incorrect measurements or improper connections being made between pipes. Finally, using too much chemical drain cleaner can corrode the pipes over time, leading to blockages.

Signs of Blocked Drains

There are several signs that indicate that your drains may be blocked. These include slow drainage, a gurgling sound coming from the drains, a strong foul smell near or around the drains, and water backups in toilets or showers. If you experience any of these symptoms, then it is important to address the issue quickly before it causes further damage.

Solving Blocked Drains

If you suspect your drains are blocked, the first thing you should do is visit website and inspect the area for any blockages or obstructions. If you find an obstruction, then you’ll need to remove it. You can use a plunger or a drain snake to help clear out any clogs. Additionally, you may want to use a chemical drain cleaner to help loosen any stubborn buildup in the pipes. If all else fails, then you may need to call in a professional plumber to help you with your blocked drains.

Preventing Blocked Drains

The best way to avoid blocked drains is to take preventive measures. Regularly inspecting and cleaning your drains will help prevent build up and blockages. Furthermore, avoiding pouring grease, oils, and other substances down your drains is also important. Also, be sure to check for any leaks or cracks in the pipes. Doing so can help prevent any future blockages in the drains.


Blocked drains can be an irritating problem and can cause long-term damage if left unchecked. Understanding the causes of blocked drains and taking preventative measures will help keep your drains flowing smoothly. However, if you find yourself facing a blocked drain, make sure to take action quickly. Visit website for more information on solving and preventing blocked drains.